Iraq: July 30, 2004


Al Qaeda leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's driver has been captured, and the government expects to capture al-Zarqawi himself soon. On the outskirts of Fallujah, Iraqi troops and American marines fought anti-government forces, leaving 13 people dead. 

The Moslem, and Arab, world has recognized the new Iraqi government. If Moslem countries defy al Qaeda and send troops to Iraq, al Qaeda will have suffered a major defeat. Al Qaedas main goal is the establishment of Islamic governments in Moslem nations, then throughout the world. A democracy in Iraq doesn't count. And if that Iraqi democracy is backed by other Moslem countries, it's even worse. Moreover, this recognition, by an Arab world that is largely Sunni, tells the Iraqi Sunni Arabs, who provide most of the manpower for the anti-government forces, that they are on their own and out of luck. Most Iraqi Sunni Arabs are not active in fighting the government, and this would persuade more of them to be active in defending the government. 




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