Iraq: August 25, 2003


Arab media increasingly present video and audio messages from "Iraqi resistance groups" that threaten Iraqis who work with the occupation authorities, as well as foreign aid groups. Much of the Arab media wants the occupation to fail. Apparently a return to dictatorship or anarchy is seen as preferable to good government in Iraq. This attitude is part of the problem in Arab nations, and won't go away any time soon. 

The Iraqi resistance is still dominated by Baath Party members, but an increasing number of Islamic radicals are showing up, and some of these include Shia religious leaders backed by militant Shias in Iran.  There is a growing dispute between Shia groups in southern Iraq. Some of the Shia leaders who have been in exile Iran are pushing for a radical solution (an Islamic Republic) and attacks on coalition forces. The majority of Shia leaders, especially the ones who never left Iraq, oppose this. It is feared that the radical Shia will resort to violence and start a civil war in southern Iraq.  




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