Iran: Billions For the Bully's Buddies


June 28, 2006: Increasingly, the leadership is telling foreigners concerned over Iran's nuclear weapons program, to butt out. Iranian negotiators seem intent on saying what is necessary to prevent European negotiators from actually imposing any sanctions, while not making any concessions regarding the Iran nuclear programs. Meanwhile, president Ahmadinejad is using the increased income, from higher oil prices, to buy as many allies and, favorable public opinion, as possible. Ahmadinejad is even trying to buy allies among the non-Iranian minorities in Iran, while threatening his opponents with secret police and prison.

June 22, 2006: The U.S. again accused Iran, and its ally Syria, of supporting Sunni Arab terrorist groups in Iraq. Iran has denied any knowledge of this, and doesn't care.

June 21, 2006: President Ahmadinejad is giving billions of dollars in government construction contracts to the Revolutionary Guards. Ahmadinejad spent much of his career with the Revolutionary Guards, which is a separate army controlled by Islamic radicals. The Revolutionary Guards is the most loyal (to the Islamic conservatives) armed group, and their loyalty is bought with lavish pay and economic opportunities. This is resented by most Iranians.