Iran: Let's Have a Chat With The Great Satan


March 17, 2006: Iran's Revolutionary Guard, and its religious police ( the Quds Force), have been detected in southern Iraq, either posing as religious pilgrims, or actually there only for religious purposes. The most holy places of Shia Islam are in southern Iraq, and millions of Iranian pilgrims have come to pray in the past three years. Saddam had blocked such visits for over twenty years. Many of these Quds Force and Revolutionary Guard pilgrims are hard core anti-Americans, and favor an Islamic dictatorship in Iraq. These guys often find like minded Iraqis, and in some cases, long lost relatives. Some evidence indicates that the radical Iranians have offered advice, money, and even smuggled weapons, to Shia Iraqis to use in attacks against Sunni Arabs, or foreign troops.

March 16, 2006: In a surprise move, Iran offered to negotiate with the United States over mutual concerns concerning Iraq. While the Iranians are under a lot of pressure, especially from Europeans, over the Iranian nuclear weapons program, they are also concerned over the political situation inside Iraq. Iran has been denouncing the U.S. as the Great Satan for over a quarter century, and has had no diplomatic relations. But most Iranians are pro-U.S., and the Islamic clerics that run the country are under a lot of pressure to make up with the United States, and to improve the economy.

In southeastern Iran, 21 people were killed by men wearing police uniforms. The government is fighting Sunni Baluchi tribesmen in the southeast. In the southwest, Shia Iranian Arabs are fighting the government. In both cases, the government insists that the United States is behind the violence.

March 15, 2006: The government continues to work on its nuclear power and weapons programs, playing diplomatic games with European countries.

March 12, 2006: The United States is openly accusing Iran of supplying Iraqi terrorists with more effective bomb components, and technical experts. Radical members of the Iranian government are known to back Sunni Arab terrorists in Iraq, even those these Sunni Arabs kill Shia Iraqis because Sunni radicals consider all Shia to be heretics.