Iran: August 10, 2004


specific target in Israel. 

The U.S. has warned Iran to cease trying to build nuclear weapons or else. Exactly what "or else" means was not specified. Iran responded by demanding that European nations back off on supporting the United States in criticizing Iran's nuclear program, and freely sell nuclear technology and conventional weapons to Iran. Unfortunately for Iran, the U.S. and Europe are in agreement about the need to stop Iran's attempts to build nuclear weapons. There is also the realization that Israel is ready and willing to launch an air strike on Iran's nuclear facilities if Iran gets too close to building nuclear weapons. Israel, and the rest of the world, fears that the Islamic conservatives that control the Iranian government would use nuclear weapons to either threaten neighboring nations, or to supply Islamic terrorists with a nuclear weapon. Iran's Islamic conservative have long supported and supplied the anti-Israel Hizbollah terrorists in Lebanon. Iran publicly demands that Israel be destroyed.

Europe threatens an embargo if Iran doesn't stop its nuclear weapons program. The Untied States makes an implicit threat that covert action (supporting, with money and weapons, Iranian opposition groups) will be used to overthrow the Islamic conservative




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