Iran: July 20, 1999



For the second day in a row, Iran demands that Turkey apologize for bombing an Iranian border village. The Turks deny the allegation.

July 18; The Iranian government said that Turkish army operations against Kurd rebels led to the bombing of an Iranian border village and the deaths of five civilians. The Turks said they double checked and denied that they had bombed Iranian territory.

July 17 , 1999; Student protests continue as students announce that 1,400 have been arrested.

July 16; The government bans further street protests and vows to severely punish anyone who violates the ban.

July 14: The government announced that 30 demonstrators were killed in one day of violence. Moderate Iranian president Khatami, not wanting an open split with the religious leadership that controls the police and army, has called for a crack down on street demonstrations. The religious leadership has already done this, and has called out fundamentalist volunteers to "assist" the police in suppressing the demonstrations. It was these fundamentalist vigilantes who increased the level of violence by attacking student demonstrators.




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