Indonesia: November 7, 1999


Four more died during Moslem-Christian strife on the Maluku islands. In Aceh, police shot dead two civilians during a violent pro-independence disturbance.

November 6; The exiled leader of the Aceh independence movement, Teuku Hassan Tiro, agreed to negotiating with the Indonesian government by telephone from Sweden. 

November 5; Eight more died during Moslem-Christian strife on the Maluku islands. 

November 4; The resident of Indonesia said that perhaps Aceh should be allowed to hold an independence referendum. Militants in Aceh have threatened to begin attacking economic targets like fuel storage tanks and power plants.

November 3; Police fired on pro-independence demonstrators in Aceh, wounding 19.

November 2; Pro-independence rioters in Aceh burned down the provincial parliament building.