India-Pakistan: Let Us In Or Else


April 18,2008: The United States is pressuring Pakistan to allow American and NATO troops to go after al Qaeda camps in Pakistan, along the Afghan border. Pakistan is unwilling to risk the unrest in its security forces, by fighting what many Pakistanis consider a civil war, against the pro-terrorist tribesmen. The attitude in Pakistan is that, if the Islamic terrorists stay in the tribal areas, the rest of Pakistan is willing to look the other way. This is unacceptable to NATO, Afghanistan and India, who are the victims of these terrorists. The U.S. also wants more guarantees that Pakistan's nuclear weapons are secure from theft by Islamic terrorists. The pressure is getting serious, as the new Pakistani government is being told that they will be held responsible for Islamic terror attacks traced back to these Pakistani bases.

April 17, 2008: Near the Khyber Pass in Pakistan, members of the Lashkar-e-Islam terrorist organization and the Kooki Khel tribe fought for several days, leaving over a hundred dead and wounded. The terrorists are trying to assert control in the area, and the tribal leadership is resisting. The most contentious items are terrorist efforts to impose Islamic lifestyle rules (no videos, booze or music) on the tribes.

April 16, 2008: Trade between Pakistan and China is $6.8 billion a year, and is expected to rise to $15 billion in the next three years. China sees Pakistan as a valuable ally, and has provided a $500 million loan to the new government. High oil prices and election promises has caused a cash crunch for the government, and the Chinese money will help.

April 15, 2008: India has agreed to provide training in counter-terrorism operations for the Afghan Army. This is needed to deal with Islamic terrorists operating out of bases in Pakistan. The training will take place in India and Afghanistan.

April 14, 2008: In the Pakistani city of Karachi, police arrested three Islamic terrorists who were responsible for killing the army's chief medical officer two months ago, and for attacks on other military commanders. Two of the men were Pushtun tribesmen, one was from the Punjab. The three gave up information on twenty other members of their terrorist organization.

April 13, 2008: Indian Maoists are emulating the Taliban and are raising money via the illegal drug trade. In this case, it's marijuana, which they grow in remote areas, and then sell throughout the areas they operate in. Maoists are also more active in using extortion against large companies, who are often willing to pay to protect their facilities. India is also nervous about the impact of the victory of Nepalese Maoists in recent national elections there. Indian communists have gained control of state governments, and are generally hostile to the more radical Maoists, but the Nepalese situation could lead to more violence between communist factions in India.

April 12, 2008: The Pakistani interior ministry warned local police that five foreign Islamic terrorists (two Arabs and three Afghans) had arrived in the city of Lahore to plan and carry out attacks.