India-Pakistan: Death to All Christians and Spies


May 16, 2007: Indian government auditors criticized military procurement, noting that in more than half the cases there was only one supplier, and no competitive bidding. Corruption has long been a problem in the military budget, which is expected to spend at least $5 billion a year on new weapons over the next few years. Auditors also found that the Indian air force had converted eight aircraft into VIP transports, but these were used mainly by the wives of senior military officials.

May 15, 2007: In Peshawar, Pakistan, a suicide bomber attacked a hotel owned by an Afghan, killing 25 and wounding 35. The attack was believed related to the death, two days ago, of Taliban leader Mullah Dadullah in Afghanistan. The bomber carried a message promising death to those who informed on the Taliban. Apparently, the family of Afghans that owned the hotel were believed to have informed on Dadullah. There is a lot of paranoia about informers in the border region. There are some pro-American informers, but there are far more working for the Pakistani government. These are attacked as well, and many anti-government groups consider the government informers as working for the Americans as well.

May 14, 2007: In Lahore, Pakistan, police arrested four members of the Zafar Group, a terrorist organization associated with al Qaeda. Christians are coming under increasing pressure by Islamic radicals in Pakistan, who sometimes kill Moslems who convert to Christianity. Some Islamic groups want all Moslems out of the country, and are threatening violence if this does not happen soon.

In Pakistan, near the Afghan border, an American officer was killed when he crossed the border with Afghan officers to discuss recent border battles between Afghans and Pakistanis.

In northeast India, a bomb went off in a market, killing two and wounding ten. Religious violence (between Sikh sects) in the northwest, left at least 25 wounded.

May 13, 2007: Pakistani and Afghan troops fought over where the border should be. At least four people are dead. Many parts of this border are still in dispute.

May 12, 2007: In Karachi, Pakistan, supporters and opponents of president Musharraf fought in the streets, leaving over a hundred dead or wounded. Musharrafs family fled India after partition in 1948, along with millions of others. These Moslems naturally formed their own political parties in Pakistan, which support Musharraf. In opposition are parties that want democracy restored. All the parties are quite corrupt, which is how the military manages to take over. However, the current violence against Musharraf is over his feud with the Chief Justice. The 39 political parties are largely based on religious or ethnic links and don't like each other very much.

May 10, 2007: Pakistan believes it has wiped out nearly all the Baluchi separatists in the southwest part of the country. Only a hundred or so of the tribal rebels are still thought to be active, operating from camps in rural areas. Police and soldiers are searching for these camps.