India-Pakistan: Maoists Mass To Terrorize Opponents


July 18, 2006: Britain is banning to Baluchi separatist movements, which use Britain as a save haven for members, and a base for fund raising. Meanwhile, back in Baluchistan, police and troops have arrested over 150 suspected Taliban over the past two days. Afghan men without proper documents, or those known to be pro-Taliban, are being sought and arrested.
Meanwhile, in Kashmir, Islamic terrorist attacked a police station. Police continue to find and arrest Islamic terrorists, seizing weapons, bomb making material and documents as well.
July 17, 2006: In central India, some 600 armed Maoists invaded a refugee camp, driving off the police. The Maoists killed some 20 people, and wounded over fifty and set fire to about two dozen buildings. The purpose of the attack was to terrorize and intimidate refugees (from Maoist violence) belonging to Salwa Judum (Campaign For Peace), an anti-Maoist group that receives government support.
July 16, 2006: Talks between senior Indian and Pakistani officials have been put off until more is known about who was responsible for the Mumbai bombings.
July 15, 2006: Indian police have identified the explosives used in the Mumbai bombings, as the same RDX military explosives used by Islamic terrorists in Kashmir. The Kashmir terrorists get their weapons and explosives in Pakistan.
July 14, 2006: In Kashmir, police have made arrests in the recent attacks on Indian tourists. A Pakistani Islamic radical has been identified as the leader of the anti-tourist campaign.
July 13, 2006: Pakistan pledged to assist India in tracking down those responsible for the Mumbai terror bombings. These attacks caused nearly a thousand casualties, including nearly 200 dead.




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