India-Pakistan: July 2, 2003


Police in India's Gujarat state arrested eight Saudis and one Sudanese for trying to recruit militant Moslems to fight the local militant Hindus. Gujarat has been the scene of Moslem-Hindu violence over the last few years, leaving over 2,000 dead. The arrested men were traveling on tourist visas and where preaching the militant form of Islam popular in Saudi Arabia. Wealthy Saudis, and the Saudi government, supports such missionary activity, and the establishment of local schools to teach young men Arabic and intolerance towards non-Moslems.

In Kashmir, rebel violence left ten dead. 

Indian and Pakistani artillery exchanged fire along the Line of Control in Kashmir, leaving a Pakistani civilian dead. 

In Pakistan, police arrested six members of a militant Islamic group (Jaish-e-Mohammad) suspected of carrying out attacks last year that killed 15 Christians. The group was outlawed last year. 




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