Ethiopia: Rebels, Riots and Resumption of War


November 3, 2005: With UN peacekeepers removed from the border, there are reports of troops, from both sides, moving to the Ethiopian-Eritrean border. Half of Ethiopia's tank force is believed to be at the border, and Eritrean troops have been spotted inside the demilitarized zone. Meanwhile, the deadly riots in the Ethiopian capital have stopped.

November 2, 2005: On November 2 at least 33 people died in the fighting between protestors and police in the Ethiopian capital, while another 150 were wounded. Several opposition parties claimed the Ethiopian government rigged the May 15 elections, though election results showed opposition groups picked up support in the elections. At the moment Ethiopia's ruling Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Democratic Front and its allies control about 60 percent of the seats in parliament.

November 1, 2005: Fighting broke out in Ethiopia's capital as demonstrators protested Ethiopia's May 15 disputed elections. Eight people reportedly died.

October 31, 2005: In southeastern Ethiopia, Ogaden rebels continue their attacks, killed another six police and civilians in several attacks.

October 28, 2005: The United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE) peacekeepers will temporarily vacate 18 positions located within the Temporary Security Zone (TSZ) separating Ethiopian and Eritrean forces. Earlier this month Eritrea announced it had "banned" helicopter support flights into the TSZ. Eritrea has also restricted the UN's ground movements. Indian and Jordanian troops man most of the 18 posts being evacuated. The UN has also suspended de-mining in the TSZ. The UN said that at the moment the situation remains "militarily stable" -- code words that mean there are no immediate indications that either side is preparing for combat operations. Eritrea's actions are further indications that the political situation is deteriorating.

October 15, 2005: In southeastern Ethiopia, Ogaden rebels claim they have killed two dozen soldiers in several attacks so far this month.

October 12, 2005: Ethiopia's population is now 77 million and is growing at 2.4 percent a year. The country cannot sustain a population that large, which means growing violence as people battle over land and other resources.


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