Ethiopia: March 20, 2005


The UN says Ethiopia has moved over 30,000 troops up to the Eritrean border, most of them near the disputed town of Badme. This breaks down to approximately six new divisions. Ethiopian infantry divisions have roughly 5000 troops each. Ethiopia now has 90,000 troops in the area. This UN report follows a series of reports from mid-December 2004, that Ethiopia was reinforcing units on its side of the Temporary Security Zone (TSZ) created by UNMEE (United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea). Other sources indicate Ethiopia is also sending new military units to the Somali-Ethiopian border. Ethiopia has indicated it will offer troops to any new Somalia peacekeeping effort, either under the auspices of the UN or the African Union. Many Somali clams, however, have long-standing disputes with Ethiopia and claim that Ethiopia has been meddling in Somali affairs. This could get interesting.


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