Congo: June 3, 2005


Four Nepalese peacekeepers were wounded in a firefight with eastern Congolese militiamen. One of the wounded Nepalese later died. The Nepalese were part of a unit which was escorting a human rights investigating team in the area. The investigators were looking into allegations that rogue militiamen had committed several rapes in the village in April 2005. The investigating team's helicopter took ground fire from the village and the Nepalese troops fired back. A UN quick reaction force responded to the attack. The Nepalese solder was the 18th UN peacekeeper to die in the Congo.

The UN later reported that the three wounded Nepalese troops who survived were flown to South Africa for further medical treatment. South Africa is, of course, a "first world" outpost of sorts in Africa. In sub-Saharan Africa, Kenya and Nigeria both have some quality medical facilities, but South Africa is tops. The UN is making use of South Africa's military and medical capabilities.




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