Colombia: August 14, 1999


The DEA claims it is winning the drug war, but has steadfastly refused to implement systems that would "keep score" on the struggle. Critics charge that such systems would prove that the DEA is losing the fight. Data indicates that while the high-profile arrest rate is high, the conviction rate (which requires hard work) is low. --Stephen V Cole

August 13 , 1999; In addition to the leftist armed groups, there are also right wing ones as well, although these are not as numerous or well armed. Several dozen members of the right-wing Self-defense Units of Colombia (AUC) got into a gunfight with FARC troops in the city of San Carlos. It began as the AUC detained people suspected of being FARC sympathizers. Five men and one woman were killed before FARC showed up and drove the AUC troops to the outskirts of the city. There the gunfire continued into the night. The AUC took about seventy civilians hostage to cover their escape.




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