November16, 2006:
Police have arrested two Taiwanese businessmen and charged them with
spying for Taiwan. China is coming down hard on Taiwanese espionage activities
inside China, or even nearby. Six months ago, Chinese agents kidnapped two
Taiwanese in Vietnam, who were suspected of spying on China. The two men were
hustled back to China, where they remain.
15, 2006: Chinese scientists have demonstrated their skills in robotic technology
by developing a security robot. This type of technology has been in use in the
West for a about a decade, and the Chinese robot, a 122 pound vehicle that
looks like a miniature car, is competitive. It is intended to conduct security
patrols for industrial sites or airports. It uses ultrasonics to detect
obstacles and pattern-recognition and digital cameras to look for suspicious
14, 2006: The U.S. Navy admitted that a Chinese submarine had shown up,
"close" to one of its carriers during a recent training exercise off
Okinawa last month. The Americans pitched the incident as a warning that the
American and Chinese navies should coordinate their movements on the high seas
to avoid any accidents. Chinese submarine sailors, on the other hand, were
celebrating a great victory. The Song class sub (a Chinese made boat), had
gotten past U.S. patrols, and come close enough to the USS Kitty Hawk, to
launch an attack with anti-ship missiles. This was a first for a Chinese sub,
something the American admirals wanted to play down. During the Cold War,
Russian subs regularly shadowed American carrier task forces.
3, 2006: The booming production of heroin is Afghanistan has resulted in more
heroin coming into China. Over the Summer, police in northwest China caught
several dozen Pakistani, Afghan and African heroin smugglers. The drugs were
headed for coastal cities, where plenty of money, and people looking for ways
to spend it, provides a strong market for drugs like heroin. For generations, the
main source of heroin was warlord producers along the Burmese border region.
But Afghan heroin has become more plentiful and cheaper. Thus there is
apparently a sharp increase in the addict population (currently about five
million), and the spread of AIDs and other diseases because of needle
sharing. China sees this heroin invasion as a national security issue,
and is looking for ways to stop the problem.