Angola: February 14, 2001


Angola already has an impressive collection of Russian warplanes; 20 MiG-21s (1950s era fighters), 15 MiG-23s (similar to the US F-4), 18 Su-22s (a fighter bomber) and five Su-25s (similar to the US A-10). Angola recently showed off Su-24 (1980s era high tech bomber). But according to Rosoboronexport (the Russian warplane exporting company), Angola has not received any Su-24s from Russia. Angola wants to upgrade it's air force, and is rumored to be trying to obtain Su-27s (sort of like the US F-15). There is a large second hand market for Russian warplanes of all ages. Angola may be shopping around, as they have publicly complained of getting shoddy aircraft direct from Russia. 

January 26 , 2001; Interesting reports of a possible power-shift in the Angolan Army. General Joao Baptista de Matos (who planned the Fall 1999-Spring 2000 anti-UNITA offensive) was removed as head of Angolas armed forces. Deputy Defence Minister Armando da Cruz Neto was selected to replace De Matos. De Matos had been in charge since 1992. 


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