Algeria: Islamic Terrorists Can't Find Any Love, And That Makes Them Mad


May 23, 2011: The demonstrations have diminished greatly over the last two weeks, but the anger remains. The government promises real reforms (which would result in a new government if there were fair elections), but many Algerians are dubious. The government has mustered its loyal followers and has made life difficult for the opposition (most of the population.) But the opposition is still there and the people are still angry. This is a pause, not a halt, to the pro-reform demonstrations and political activity.

Al Qaeda terrorists continue to be more active, but their attacks appear to be spontaneous, not carefully planned and organized. Al Qaeda in Algeria is demoralized because of the death of their supreme leader (Osama bin Laden) and because the large, anti-government demonstrations turned out to be anti-al Qaeda as well. The Islamic terrorists can't find any love, and that makes them sad.

May 15, 2011: Over the weekend, there were two clashes about 150 kilometers southeast of the capital, leaving one soldier and two terrorists dead.

May 14, 2011:  In neighboring Tunisia, police arrested two men (an Algerian and a Libyan), who were transporting explosives, and identified them as members of al Qaeda. The arrest took place 140 kilometers from the Libyan border, and that's where the two are believed to have come from. Weapons were also found in a nearby cave.

May 13, 2011: Islamic terrorists attacked an army base 360 kilometers east of the capital, killing seven soldiers and wounding two. Reinforcements arrived and pursued the terrorists, killing three of them.