Afghanistan: October 7, 2001


The air war against Afghanistan began with 70 sorties from US carriers off the Pakistani coast (plus recon flights) and 50 cruise missiles fired from warships. In addition, ten B-1, B-2 and B-52 sorties were flown from the USA (the B-2s) and the island of Diego Garcia (B-1s and B-52s.) Half a dozen targets were hit in Kabul and other cities, while 23 terrorist camps were pulverized. In addition, C-17 transport aircraft dropped 37,500 food packets (each containing 2200 calories of vegetarian rations) into an isolated area in central Afghanistan populated by anti-Taliban Hazara people. The US has some two million of these emergency rations and plans to drop much of this into areas hard hit by the three year drought in Afghanistan. 




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