February 11, 2025:
Britain recently signed a one-hundred year partnership deal with Ukraine, covering commercial, educational, health and military cooperation. Britain has made several long-standing treaties; the oldest is a 1373 alliance with Portugal which has been honored several times in the past 650 years, most recently in the Napoleonic Wars. Since Russia invaded Ukraine, Britain has sent nearly $16 billion on economic and military aid. Britain will send at least $3.6 billion a year in military aid until the war ends. Britain is the third largest aid donor to Ukraine, after the United States donating nearly $80 billion and Germany giving $18 billion.
The hundred year partnership is mainly about support for rebuilding Ukraine’s economy by Russian attacks in the past three years. It will cost more than a trillion dollars to carry out those repairs. Donor countries will get a lot of that money back by supplying industrial and consumer workers and management personnel to get the work done as quickly as possible.
The British partnership takes the long view, guaranteeing Ukraine a reliable commercial partner as well as a long-time military partner. This includes a suspected agreement by Britain to supply a portion of any peacekeeping force required by a peace treaty to end the war. A buffer zone will probably be needed, staffed with troops from NATO nations. If the Russians attack, they will have to go through the buffer zone and trigger a war with the 32 NATO nations.
This Deal Of A Century is a novel approach to guaranteeing Ukraine continued military aid as well as more and support to help prevent another Russian attack in the future.