Murphy's Law: March 24, 2003


Then there is the Washington Post in a news article on in its disdain for America, for our troops and the American President, commented on the prowess of the Iraqi soldiers, the ineptness of America's warriors, and the weakness of America's overall plan, "Iraqi troops and militias used ruses, ambushes and other guerrilla tactics yesterday that exploited the risks inherent in the fast-moving Pentagon war strategy, inflicting more than a score of American casualties and raising questions about how effective the U.S. approach has been in persuading Iraqi troops and civilians that President Saddam Hussein's removal is inevitable."

Then there is NBC and MSNBC "With advancing American forces rubbing up against Iraqi Republican Guard units in the Baghdad area, U.S. and British troops continued to face stiff resistance all along their long supply line from Kuwait, raising concerns that the rapid thrust northward may have exposed the allied flank." They do add, "Tommy Franks characterized the opposition as 'sporadic' and said that the coalition was making rapid and dramatic progress." However, they lead with the negative. Why is that? 

Who at the Pentagon, White House, or Central Command believes America was facing anything more than was expected. Or that American strategy has left America's warriors more vulnerable than they should be?

Our American warriors lost their lives and limbs in a noble cause and many more will no doubt experience the same. The Left leaning media want us to believe these fine Americans gave their lives and health in vain. War is called war because it is. Americans at home may be subjected to terrorism and violence, all sorts of calamities may befall us. We all need to remember and hold onto the notion that we as Americans must stand up for what and who we are and not fall into the trap of doubting our position and give credence to those who hold nothing but contempt for us all.

For the Left, there is no capitulation; there is no acceptance of their defeat at the polls and their failure at imposing their ideals and values on America's population. However they, true to the insidious Fifth Column they have become, continue to chip away at America's foundation in the hopes of attaining power at any cost, even if that means the loss of American lives to merely prove a point.

American involvement in Iraq is not a venture in greed, capitalism or revenge. American involvement in Iraq is to ensure that our children and theirs will grow up and live in a world that is safer than would be otherwise. America is at war with a ruthless enemy that has no regard for the norms and expected civilized behavior. If America was to leave Iraq prior to achieving its goals, the consequences for us, for all American generations to follow would be horrific. What motive does the Left have then for wanting that result? --Paul Walfield ([email protected])