Logistics: Trucks Turned Into Generators


October 11, 2007: The U.S. Marine Corps is installing electrical generators in its heavy trucks. Thus equipped, the seven ton MTVR (Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacements) trucks can provide power for camps, or the additional electrical gear carried by moving vehicles. So equipped, each stationary MTVR can generate 100 kilowatts of power (or 20 while moving). The marines currently have over a thousand MTVRs in Iraq, where they spend most of their time moving supplies. But when not on the move, the vehicles can be used to augment the growing electrical needs of bases. The U.S. Army has already been doing this, and has been better able to deal with the need for more electrical power (for the growing list of electronic gear, and air conditioners, used by the troops). This generator option is also being added to hummers, enabling the vehicle to generate 30 kilowatts when stationary, and ten kilowatts when moving.