Logistics: March 4, 2004


The war on terror has the army and air force supply system  bent out of shape in an unexpected way. The high demand for desert pattern BDU (Battle Dress Uniforms) has caused a shortage in the military clothing stores (PX and BX) where troops go to get extra sets. Shortages in some sizes are not expected to be eliminated until this August. Someone in the logistics system screwed up in predicting demand, and placing production orders.

Troops going to Iraq and new recruits get priority, and there are no shortages for them. But for troops getting replacement BDUs or additional sets, the alternative will have to be, well, the alternative. Several mail order companies sell BDUs, and some of these are also sold in stores near military bases. These BDUs are generally of higher quality, have additional features, and cost more. Many troops prefer to pay extra for this. But many troops who normally buy the military quality BDU, are going to have to pay more until this Summer. Another cost of war. 




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