Logistics: June 26, 2003


One of the more successful innovations to see wide use during the Iraq campaign was the Storage and Transportation Frames (STFs) and smaller vehicle storage and transportation frames (V-STFs). Both look like shark cages, except that they are used to store military gear inside of standard shipping containers. Five STFs fit inside a standard 8x8x20 foot shipping container, with each STF weighing 705 pounds and capable of supporting 2.7 tons. The STFs contain adjustable shelves, making it easy to cram them with gear, and easy to see what is in each one when they are hauled out of the containers. No more tearing open boxes to double check what's inside. The STFs fold flat when not in use, and for easy storage. The smaller V-STF, which weighs 335 pounds and can carry up to 2000 pounds, fits in the rear bed of an Humvee, making it easy to pick up gear and move it to the troops. Four V-STF will fit on a standard Air Force 463L pallet. The STF/V-STF concept worked and was very popular with the troops because it eliminates a lot of packing material and makes it a lot easier to move material once the shipping containers are off the ship or pallets out of the transport. .




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