Information Warfare: Your Terrorists Are My Heroes


November 7, 2012: The Palestinian Authority (PA), speaking for all (or most) Palestinians has complained to the UN about Western, especially Israeli, media describing the $5 million a month the PA pays to the families of terrorists as support of terrorism. This means many Western aid organizations, by law, cannot contribute to the PA because that would be supporting terrorism. That sort of thing is frowned on in the West. But the PA considers Palestinians jailed (usually in Israel) for terrorism to be freedom fighters, even if their victims were Israeli women and children, as well as some who were foreigners (including Moslems and Americans). The PA feels an obligation to make welfare payments to the families of imprisoned terrorists. Payments are also made to the families of deceased terrorists. The size of each payment is adjusted for how long the terrorists is in prison for and how much damage he did with his attacks. The average payment is $770 a month and the highest ones are nearly $3,000 a month. Some Moslem countries willingly contribute to this. For example, up until 2003, Iraq paid $30,000 to the family of each dead Palestinian terrorist. The PA wants the UN to get the Western and Israeli media to stop defaming Palestinian freedom fighters like this.