by Martin, Bradley K
New York: St. Martin's Press, 2004. 868 p.
. . ISBN:0-312-32221-6
Academics often dismiss a popular coverage of any subject as
"journalistic", but I think there is a sense in which a journalistic
treatment by someone who has a good grasp of and background in the events
covered is, in truth, a valuable way of looking at a subject, because it
brings in human elements, and emphasizes the uncertainty and difficulty of
coming to final conclusions on a complex topic. And it is in that sense
that I want to praise this book: in addition to providing a briskly-written
and even-handed treatment of the North Korean dictatorship, the author
includes lots of interview, and while he includes the background of the
interviews, you can yourself give what credence you desire to what you read.
The mind-numbing suffocating horror of the Kim dynasty is unrolled in its
full chicken richness, with a backdrop along the way of the evolution of
South Korea from something only a little better than the North in terms of
political freedom to an established [if still highly controlled, in
relative terms] democracy. Among the interesting points the author raises
is the fact that North Korea outperformed South Korea for a substantial
time after the conclusion of the Korean War, only drawing into parity in
the early 1970's, and then surging ahead as the failures of a socialist
command economy were ruthlessly exposed. Equally worth note is the
author's contention that conditions in North Korea have actually improved
slightly since the nadir of the mid-1990s.
The degree to which the North Korean people are controlled and exploited by
their rulers ought to make any outside supporter of this dictatorship [and
alas, there are at least some] think several times over. The author makes
the point that much of the success of Kim's despotism flows from
traditional patterns of Korean culture, so that the sort of orange
revolution experienced in Eastern Europe is close to impossible,
particularly since what the people can see and hear is so heavily
controlled. Even if you do not agree with all of his points, and accepting
the fact that the book sometimes tends to wander into particular byways
which don't advance the main point, this is definitely worth reading for
anyone interested in this area of the world.
Physically, the book is well-produced, with good quality paper,
photographs, a sturdy binding, and a very comprehensive index. The one
physical production element, unforgivable in this age where manuscripts can
be set up with footnotes on the page with so much compositional ease, is
that there is a lot of ancillary material buried in the endnotes, requiring
constant flipping back-and-forth.
While my solution to the North Korean problem is "nuke 'em 'till they
glow", the author is not sanguine about the success of any military
intervention against North Korea. In fact, as he makes quite clear, the
leadership in *South* Korea are not all that enthusiastic about a peaceful
reunification, either. From what the author [who is a USA expatriate
currently teaching journalism at LSU, which I agree is not a stellar
recommendation in and of itself] says, the most effective weapon that could
be employed against NK would be saturation bombardment with uncontrolled,
cheap, and reliable cell phones, followed by a withdrawal of USA troops
[who really aren't needed there any more, and are more of an irritant than
a solution].
The bottom line on the book: while not pretending to any major expertise in
this area, I have followed Korean events with interest over many decades,
and certainly learned a lot that I did not know perviously. Like reading
an account of the Rwanda genocides, reading this book certainly saddens one
about the continuing tragedy of human oppression, all inflicted in "the
name of the heavenly leader". When centuries from now, they tell of our
times, I think they cannot fail to remark scathin