Philippines: Running Through The Jungle


May 16, 2007: The government offensive against the NPA and Abu Sayyaf has disrupted both organizations, forcing the rebels to flee long-occupied camps, and fight back desperately to survive. The NPA has been particularly effective at fighting back, but more NPA members are surrendering, reporting low morale from being on the move constantly to avoid army and police patrols.

May 15, 2007: In northern Philippines, NPA clashed with soldiers, killing seven soldiers and wounding two.

May 14, 2007: Nationwide elections were held. Over 120 people were killed in the pre-election violence.

May 12, 2007: In northern Philippines, NPA rebels ambushed an army patrol, killing one and and wounding fifteen.

May 11, 2007: The four children of Indonesian Jemaah Islamiah terrorist leader Dulmatin, were captured in the south. Police almost caught Dulmatin, who has a $10 million price on his head, who left his four kids, aged 2-9, behind. His wife was captured last year in the Philippines, and sent back to Indonesia. Islamic terrorists often flee with their families in tow, as it is a tradition in most Islamic countries for family members to be arrested to get someone to surrender. There's also the danger that families of victims of terrorist attacks might seek revenge by attacking the terroristsMay 10, 2007: In the central Philippines, NPA rebels ambushed a police patrol, killing five and wounding six.

May 9, 2007: On Jolo, troops clashed with renegade MNLF members, killing four of them. The separatist MNLF made peace with the government years ago, but some factions are now allied with Abu Sayyaf.

May 8, 2007: In the south, Islamic terrorists set off a bomb in a market, killing three people.

May 6, 2007: In the eastern Philippines, fifty NPA rebels attacked a small police station, wounding two of the three policemen, and stealing three rifles and two pistols.